Cares Note
Submit an anonymous note of concern on behalf of an SOU student. Some examples of reported concerns include, mental and emotional health, academic performance, personal illness or injury, alcohol and other drug use, academic integrity.
Academic Support
SOU offers students a variety of resources to ensure they have the support needed to reach their full academic potential while enrolled at SOU. The Tutoring Center, Disability Resources, and Trio Support Services are among those highlighted.
Basic Needs Resources
SOU offers students a variety of resources to ensure they have the support needed to reach their full academic potential while enrolled at SOU. The Tutoring Center, Disability Resources, and Trio Support Services are among those highlighted.
Care Coordinators
The Care Coordinators provide assistance for students with complicated issues and concerns. Our professionals provide connections to services, offices, and resources both on campus and in the community.
Student Food Pantry
The SOU Food Pantry is committed to providing students with food and other basic necessities to alleviate the effects of hunger and poverty. Visit the site for more information, including access hours and contact.
Social Justice & Equity Center
The SJEC provides advocacy, education, and community building at SOU, centering the needs of Black students, Indigenous students, students of color, queer and trans students, women and femmes, as well as veterans and military families.
Student Health & Wellness Center
The Student Health and Wellness Center provides access to a wide range of health services including primary medical care, mental health care, psychiatric care, preventive services, and campus-wide health promotion.
Student Legal Services
ASSOU funds an on-campus attorney to provide legal help for students in need. Students are entitled to a free half-hour consultation. Consultation topics can include questions about court, starting a business, interest in law school, and much more.
Student Ombuds
The Ombuds’ primary role is to listen deeply to the SOU student while adhering to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice; after which offering the visitor a selection of options to weigh strategies and help the visitor decide what action(s), if any, to take.