Student Employment
The Dean of Students office is always looking for student workers and can offer a variety of professional skill and interest areas. In addition to offering work that can build skills in communication, clerical, social media, and more, position opportunities can be in a variety of SOU departments including:
- Dean of Students
- Social Justice & Equity Center
- Career Connections
To learn more about current positions, explore Handshake or reach out directly via dos@sou.edu or by stopping by to chat in person at SU 321.
Volunteer Opportunities
Student Conduct Hearing Boards
The Dean of Students office manages community concerns, and has several processes for reviewing these concerns. The Student Conduct Hearing Boards consists of a panel of SOU community members, who serve in an educational process by holding our peers accountable with fairness and equity through outreach, leadership, and engagement.
Being a Student Conduct Hearing Board member requires a commitment of time, energy, dedication, and impartiality. Board members play an integral role in educating their peers about their rights and responsibilities as members of the SOU community, upholding community behavioral standards, and implementing the Code of Student Conduct.
If you are a faculty, student, and/or staff member who might be interested in voluntarily serving on the Student Conduct Hearing Boards, please submit this form. Please note, all applicants will be reviewed and verified for eligibility purposes, and will be communicated to if they are approved to be a board member. Submission of the form/applicant does not guarantee acceptance or approval as a board member.
There are two types of Student Conduct Hearing Boards that are optional at SOU:
- Peer Review Board (PRB): Generally consisting of no fewer than three trained SOU students. PRBs may hear non-violent violations and other violations that are unlikely to result in sanctions that would exclude a respondent from continuing at the university. This board consists of students only.
- University Review Board (URB): The URB consists of at least one faculty member, one administrator, and one student. A URB will hear allegations as deemed appropriate by the Associate Dean or designee. Violations that may result in exclusion from the university are typically heard in this format.
If you have questions, please email sou-conduct@sou.edu .
Student Conduct Advisors (for Faculty/Staff)
Each student (Respondent and Complainant) is allowed to have 1 support person, within the student conduct process. A support person may be a family member, friend, parent, staff or faculty advisor, or lawyer. If you are a faculty or staff member who may be interested in becoming a Student Conduct Advisor, please submit this form.
The role of a Student Conduct Advisor is to be a support person and also to be knowledgeable about the student conduct process, student rights, and options. All Student Conduct Advisors undergo training so that they can guide any student through their process from start to finish.
*Please note that scheduled conduct meetings or hearings will not be rescheduled if an advisor is unable to attend.
These are the current Conduct Advisors.If you would like to be assigned an advisor, please email sou-conduct@sou.edu . Please do not contact the advisors directly.
Erica Knotts
Samantha Eaton
Christopher Mahan
Soteria (Ria) Galo
Dr. Jesse S. Watson
Serena Muswieck
Section Contents: Connect with DOS
Dean of Students
Dean of Students Office
Stevenson Union, Room 321
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: 541.552.6221
Email: dos@sou.edu